RANsacked - Domain-Informed LTE/5G RAN-Core Fuzzing
Cellular networks are critical to daily communication and emergency services. At the same time, the internals of cellular protocols have increased in complexity through successive generations. This increased complexity raises the likelihood of bugs and vulnerabilities in cellular deployments, and adversaries have more access to these networks than ever before:
RANsacked leverages open-source testbed setups to inform the innovation and application of fuzzing techniques to the cellular domain. Our advances enable hundreds of millions of unique inputs to be tested on the core per CPU-day; each testcase is intelligently formed to appear to be valid and pass decoding requirements, thereby allowing deeper exploration into the protocol. Our research uncovers 119 vulnerabililties across 7 LTE cores and 3 5G cores, with 93 CVEs assigned.
A detailed report on the vulnerability disclosure can be found here; read more about how we designed and evaluated the fuzzer in our paper.